Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day #5 being by a pool was more important than food

Today is going to be the most boring day so far.  I was too hungry and too excited to get out into the sunshine to care about pictures!

I told myself I could have bread on the weekends so today I ate a day old croissant at work.  It may not sound like anything special, but toasted up that thing is like a crispy bite of heaven.  It got my through the morning.

Then I made what has been my favorite breakfast/brunch so far.  It may not look like much but the flavors were killer!  I loved it.  So much I ate it for dinner too.  It's the never ending meal.

It was simple enough.  But the flavors were on point.

Brunch: sauté onions in olive oil till they're translucent and floppy.  Then add cauliflower flourets.  Cook for a bit.  I threw in some frozen peas.  I love peas.  They are like pops of freshness. Then add mushrooms.  I cooked everything on medium/high- there was a bit of sizzle.  Oh and I had some leftover cooked, plain quinoa so I tossed that in too.

So here is where it gets delicious.  I added: a splash of balsamic vinegar, lemon pepper, salt, dried oregano, dried thyme and then.... fresh rosemary and fresh oregano.  Amazing!  My mouth was so pleased with me.

Apparently I eat everything with eggs. They are easy and a good source of protein and from a farm I feel good about supporting.  Viva la egg.

Everything in the bowl was topped with fresh parsley, dill and more oregano.  Heaven.

It was in the 80s today.  Also heaven.  Shorts and sunblock are a go.

Dinner was leftovers. Plus beer.

I threw in a random palm tree sky and the sunset for good measure!

Sincerely yours,

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