Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day #4

Today I realized how much of my diet has been centered around convenience.  How easy is it to stop and pick something up!  Only day #4 of no eating out and I am already feeling it.

Howerver, today I also realized that all of my meals have been quick and tasty and I have honestly enjoyed the process of being creative.  Nothing has been too difficult or has been a drastic change in my life.  I feel healthier and more engaged in my diet.  Once these 40 days are over I really don't feel like I have any excuse.

I am proud of this challenge.

Today consisted of a Peanut Butter Banana smoothie in the middle of the morning rush at the coffee shop.  No picture but I put some cinnamon in it and some of that blueberry simple syrup and made it with a milk that is a blend of almond, hazelnut and cashew- it was delicious and got me through the morning.

Lunch was a taco salad with sautéed mushrooms, a bunch of fresh veggies, an entire avocado and a creamy lime cilantro dressing.  I also made some crispy tortilla strips with some tortillas I had laying around. I recommend this salad served poolside on a beautiful 85 degree SoCal Saturday. It tastes better. Trust me.

Salad: sweet peppers, jalepeno, the little baby tomatoes, romaine, corn, cilantro, avocado

Sort-of-Like-Taco-Meat-But-Better Mushrooms: lightly sautéed with smoked paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper

Ovenmade chip strips: corn tortillas, olive oil, paprika, cumin, basil salt, pepper

Creamy Cilantro dressing: vegannaise, cilantro, juice of one lime, a lil bit of EVOO, garlic powder, salt and peper.

I have been totally impressed with how awesome vegannaise dressings are.  It goes really well with citrus and since it isn't really mayonnaise it doesn't curdle at all.  This salad (and my mouth) loved the citrus.  I wished I had another lime. You could make this creamy and green by throwing it in the blender and I am sure it would be delicious, but I was way to hungry for all that! And it was good.

Dinner is leftovers.  Orzo still.

Sincerely yours,

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