Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day # 1 those who seek beauty will find it

     This is my 10th year incorporating the practice of lent into my life.  I did not grow up Catholic nor do I identify with any religious institution.  I simply find the act of letting go of the unnecessities of life incredibly beautiful.  Every year I love to take time to choose that certain something that I should give up.  It's usually the thing that I think of and then immediately think, "No! There's no way I could give that up and I don't think I really need to and blah blah blah. . . ."  I have found the more excuses I make to not give something up- the more I probably should.

Past lents include 40 days of:
  • A social media cleanse
  • A vegan diet
  • A no makeup cleanse
  • A no potato chips and beer fiesta (I was 21. . . it was a big deal)
    And so, this year I have chosen a homemade lent.  No eating out, no restaurants, no picking up a burrito, no pho from Number Nine.  Only food I make myself.  I am allowing myself bread on the weekends, as a treat.  And I am not going to be too crazy about having to make my own Veganaise, almond milk, etc.  Also, this blog is part of lent.  I begin this lent with the intention to embrace the beauty of making food and nourishing my body.  Lents shouldn't be sad and miserable.  I mean, it might sound like it, sure.  "Why would I want to give up things that I love?  Why hold out on myself?"  Choosing to enjoy this process is what makes it beautiful.

Join me for 40 days of beautifully prepared fresh foods.  Join me in my pursuit of eating with awareness and intention.  Join me for 40 days of searching for beauty in the ordinary, every day act of eating.

“You only lose what you cling to.” 

Day 1: Breakfast

Luckily for me, our neighborhood farmer's market was in the park yesterday.  So I am fully stocked with gorgeous fresh herbs and berries and, the sweetest, most delicious eggs!  I bought a dozen eggs for $4 yesterday from Kepner Farms and they were perfect and beautiful and heavenly.

Chia Seed Pudding:
     I looked up the most standard recipe then added my own touch to it: homemade vanilla extract (a precious gift from a friend), cinnamon, maple syrup, some fresh mint leaves and topped with juicy berries.  Everyone made fun of my pudding because it looks like a bunch of fish eyes, but it tasted amazing!  And I have plenty left for later.  I am thinking leftovers will be my saving grace for the next 40 days.

Some leftover quinoa, a masterfully fried egg (you can't always be humble), an avocado.  Easy peasy.

And, today I also experimented with some simple syrups to mix with coffee.  I used a Handsome Coffee Roasters Peru cold brew made by the adorable #PopUpCoffeeShopLB and mixed it with my freshly made rosemary, vanilla, maple simple syrup- unbelievable!  Can't wait to experiment with more simple syrup/cold brew spring inspired drinks!

The rest of day one will include leftovers eaten at massage school.  I made a huge Italian type veggie orzo stew thing that I will be eating at class tonight.  And probably some more pudding.

Not the most beautiful looking mess ever, but you get the point.  Super easy meal full of kale, cauliflower, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, roasted sweet potatoes, carrots and onions in a tomato sauce.  Good comfort food.

Here we go!

Sincerely yours, 

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